(727) 501-6675
Giving Back
The Geise Group donates a portion of every client engagement to charitable organizations that promote mindfulness training and wellbeing programs for children. We donate our time to speak and educate non-profit organizations to support their work in our communities.
MindUP™ is a research-based program teaching children social and emotional (SEL) learning skills that link cognitive neuroscience, positive psychology and mindfulness awareness training. It nutures optimism and happiness in the classroom, helps eliminate bullying and agression, increases empathy and compassion, while improving acadmic performance. MindUP™ has provided benefits to over one million children. www.TheHawnFoundation.org.
The Holistic Life Foundation, a Baltimore-based 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, is committed to nurturing the wellness of children in underserved communities. Through a comprehensive approach which includes yoga, mindfulness, and self-care, HLF demonstrates a deep commitment to learning, community, and stewardship of the environment. Our technology partner Whil™ is on the Advisory Board. www.hlfinc.org
The Association of Junior Leagues International, Inc. (AJLI) is an organization of women committed to promoting voluntarism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. www.ajli.org